Restorative Health Care

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Restorative Health Care

Opening hours

18528 Firlands Way N
Suite D Shorelane, WA 98101
Our Booking PolicyWe require 24 hours notice to cancel all appointments. Failure to give this notice will result in a missed appointment charge ranging $75-$150, depending on the type and length of appointment booked.



Blood Draw

. Duration:25 mins·

Established Patient Appointment, Standard

. Duration:50 mins·

New Patient Appointment

. Duration:1 hr 20 mins·

Brief Phone or Email Consult

. Duration:15 mins·


A Naturopathic Clinic Focusing on Pain Management and Hormone Health.

From Cristopher Bosted, ND:
My philosophy of medicine is about education and relationships. I believe strongly in the principles of naturopathic medicine and strive to embody them as I practice. I enjoy listening to people's stories to figure out where problems occurred along the way. By listening and teaching about the patterns I see, I can help change and shift those patterns in to new and healthy ones and prevent worse issues from occurring later in life.

Good to know


, Highest rated
5 reviews
  • Denise

    My family has been going to see Dr. Bosted for probably 15? years. He is a comfortable, understanding, non-judgemental soul. He has helped my chronic issues tremendously through the years. He is the best.

  • Taufiq Karmali

    Dr. Bosted is first a friend then a doctor to me. I have been seeing him since 2008. He has always been very kind and an amazing human being. Wishing him all the very best in life.

  • Alison Hicks

    My son Jake and I have been going to Dr. Bosted for more years than I can remember. He is caring, thoughtful and professional. Would definitely recommend him to others.